How to kill commit suicide personally


It is the most selfish personal need and decision that you think "right" to quite with yourself. It is just like the most poor one you come on and the most wild, barbaric one that takes you from wonderland, life, your lovely earth, rain, pets, maybe parents, grand parents, sea, home  and from main and very very important one -wishes for forever. 

This decision has some reasons. Maybe you are in depression, maybe you love your girlfriend or boyfriend more than every thing, maybe you want to taste it just for fun or interest, maybe you want to get such kind of pleasure with killing yourself, maybe you have some unsolved and insolvable problems and etc.

They are all can be seen unique and particular to your personality, but suicide decision in every part and  scene is the selfish one because of if you kill yourself now then  you will not have a chance to taste life events like making sex, eating different delicious dishes, hugging with parents, mom, friends ( I mean real one, she or he can be nobody,but especial thing just your soul and your body), traveling around world, velocipede biking under rain or summer heat, making snowman with your relatives, watching favorite movies or TV programs etc.

In all cases you  HAVE one way puts you from it to glorious future, to the desire of living that life's heat. You just carefully figure out and find it, find your B plan for living, surviving,enjoying. The reason is that all of our needs and demands, wishes and self-esteem needs can be substitute &update and repleceble&improvable with good/bad but, new ones. Wait and see the end of your story do NOT delete your own way.Give Breath.


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