Baku&London💙💓💚evaporate **********************TEA*****************


London can be compared with Baku in the tea table. Differing cities with like-wise rules, old attentions, so many mobbing tricks and tea tables can give the same city smell. Cultures can be one by these reasons.I will talk about only tea and shortly, others let be behind us.
Photo-Josef Polc

Tea is prepared with the similar formulas in both cities. People divide into two groups, first is about drinking black tea, second is about green tea. Azerbaijanis publicly accept black tea,  they drink it with different sweets, sweeten roasted walnuts, jams and  dried fruits.
Photo-Yulia Kotina

The black tea can brew with one teaspoon of leaves and can be added up other dried fruits for taste,flavor or aroma.
Roughly,it served with sliced lemon, amazing national tastes-like halva, gogal, pakhlava, shekerbura, badambura and etc.
Photo-Yuliya Gontar

Baku's elite society is experiencing green or herb tea. Green tea is made two teaspoon of leafs and hot boiling water.Sometimes, people add up one teaspoon strawberry leafs, cinnamon, ginger, chamomile, lavender, sweet roots of liquorice, fruits of dog-rose or what you want to mix. Let the  tea gets brew and evaporate with soulful. 

Main thing-tea is always be brought  by real lover.

It is good for start something if you need extra information you can add some comments and I will answer.

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