


The sky of Baku is always grey and windy because of freedom. Baku is the heart of Azerbaijan and middle east or European continent. Freedom is the main reason, that in the highest heel of its captured by the soul of city with  spirits of martyrs that had been killed for just freedom. It is not only reason. Ali and Nino is also another historical story about freedom of Baku. 

Everybody in Baku interests about smell of Baku. It is simple, that Baku smells freedom with the never-ending winds. Winds are free more than everything. And Baku is the most windy city in the world. It is always changeable by the what wind brings to the city as smell and free more than love. Sky is ever grey and smells chronic mix of art and freedom.

Baku is the simple city, it just never the same like Moscow, Istanbul or Tbilisi.  It has own regulation that stand free and be yourself and never anything can heart you because of freedom. In the Baku you can worship what you want. It is your choice to be what you want also as political view and so on.

Freedom again effects pubs and underground cafes or book-cafes. Tourists, that never know about such kind of places for resting and they serve just for only locals. They are the most colorful places and each has own group of clients. They are formed by sub-culture people. ♡♡♡


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